Seabreeze Yoga Cronulla

Saturday 30th November Restorative and Pranayama


In this session we’ll be learning some traditional breathing techniques.

In particular we’ll be looking at brahmari breath – or humming bee breath 🐝  and digital breathing – or using our fingers against the nose to control the flow of breath.

I find it fascinating that modern science keeps on proving ancient yogic practices.  Humming breath, or Brahmari breath increases nitric oxide, which does a whole lot of good stuff – it helps relax the airways, it reduces blood pressure, it has a healing effect on the respiratory system. Reduces stress and anxiety, the list goes on….

I’ve been using Brahmari a lot lately as sleep sometimes eludes me – I can say that it definitely distracts the mind and relaxes me to help get back to sleep.

You will leave this session feeling refreshed and filled with a lovely quiet energy, as well as learning some tools to help with energy levels, sleep and anxiety.

Open to everyone who has an interest in Yoga and Pranayama – there is no minimum requirement.

Bookings essential – Face to face at True Woo studio as well as online

Saturday 30th November, 2-4pm


Availability: 9 in stock


In this session we’ll be learning some traditional breathing techniques.

In particular we’ll be looking at brahmari breath – or humming bee breath 🐝  and digital breathing – or using our fingers against the nose to control the flow of breath.

I find it fascinating that modern science keeps on proving ancient yogic practices.  Humming breath, or Brahmari breath increases nitric oxide, which does a whole lot of good stuff – it helps relax the airways, it reduces blood pressure, it has a healing effect on the respiratory system. Reduces stress and anxiety, the list goes on….

I’ve been using Brahmari a lot lately as sleep sometimes eludes me – I can say that it definitely distracts the mind and relaxes me to help get back to sleep.

You will leave this session feeling refreshed and filled with a lovely quiet energy, as well as learning some tools to help with energy levels, sleep and anxiety.

Open to everyone who has an interest in Yoga and Pranayama – there is no minimum requirement.

Bookings essential – Face to face at True Woo studio as well as online

Saturday 30th November, 2-4pm

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