Seabreeze Yoga Cronulla
Iyengar Yoga in the Sutherland Shire
I’ll teach you how to care for yourself, how to keep your body active and mind alert through the practice of Iyengar yoga
Holiday Timetable
Monday 6th Jan, 5pm
Tuesday 7th Jan, 9.30
Wednesday 8th Jan, 10am Shelly Park
Friday 10th Jan, 9.30am
Saturday 11th Jan 8.30am
Monday 13th Jan, 5pm
Tuesday 14th Jan, 9.30am
Wednesday 15th Jan, 10am Shelly Park
Then a short break back from
Friday 24th Jan, 9.30am
Saturday 25th Jan 8.30am
Sunday 26th Jan – Australia Day workshop 9-11am

Beginners Yoga
Our beginners classes are for those wanting a slower, gentler practice, or those new to yoga. You will be introduced to basic yoga poses with clear, easy-to-follow instructions.
Through the guidance of Bridget.....

Yoga by the Beach
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty and soothing sounds of the ocean and connect your body and mind with the elements as you embark on a transformative yoga journey.

General Yoga Classes
Our general classes at Seabreeze Yoga Cronulla are more dynamic, but still suitable for beginners. In these classes, a wider variety of yoga poses are taught compared to beginner-level classes.

Seniors Yoga
While aging brings wisdom and experience, it can also come with physical challenges such as reduced flexibility and mobility. However, the practice of yoga offers a transformative approach to aging gracefully, fostering flexibility, strength, and vitality in the body and mind.
Who Benefits from Yoga?
Of course I’m going to say everyone… but for different reasons.
The most obvious starting point is physical pain or discomfort – lots of us have injuries, weaknesses or aches and pains that we need to take care of.
Maybe you have found yourself in your forties with niggly back pain, or a dodgy knee.
A weekly yoga class will keep you moving and alleviate some of the symptoms.
Then there’s healthy aging – keeping your mobility, stability and muscular and skeletal strength as we age.
Helping with proprioception keeps us conscious of our body in space, to prevent falls, and to minimise damage when they happen.
And then there’s the mental and emotional stability that comes with consistent practice.
Better sleep and the social benefits that come from interaction with other humans.
And that’s the beginning….
‘Firstly I want to thank you for the most enjoyable yoga class. I wanted so much to join your class, but was so apprehensive as I know I am very unfit and overweight and had no idea what to expect. But I found a caring, supportive, non judgemental, experienced, most knowledgeable, sincere full of smiles person accepting me. So a very big THANK YOU for the last 8 weeks experience. Every week I leave your class feeling better, rejuvenated and with a lot less body aches. I have this feeling of being lighter on my feet.’

Hi, I’m Bridget!
I am certified in, and teach the Iyengar tradition or method of yoga. One of the hallmarks of Iyengar yoga, is a focus on alignment and correct positioning of the body. I do that in a number of ways –
I demonstrate the pose so you can see
I use clear, simple language to explain the position.
Sometimes I may physically adjust a student to gain better actions.
I will teach you how to use props such as belts, bricks, chairs and the wall for both obtaining better alignment and deepening the pose.
Each week the class is sequenced in a particular way for a specific outcome.
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