Seabreeze Yoga Cronulla

0417 225 639 or

Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for seniors is our slowest-paced, most gentle class, and the newest addition to our class timetable.


We use props for stability, while encouraging you to gently extend your limits. Each pose is expertly guided, allowing you to explore the depths of your practice without pushing yourself beyond your boundaries.


The class is not too taxing with plenty of rest time – but still working on all those things that become more important as we age.


 The classes are sequenced to improve stability, enhance mobility, build muscle mass,  heighten spatial awareness, strengthen the nervous system, and to challenge the brain to keep your mind sharp and agile!  


We warmly welcome all ages and abilities!


Whether you are an experienced yogi or new to the practice, personal guidance is provided ensuring that every class becomes a gratifying and uplifting experience.


seniors yoga
yoga for seniors
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